Charla #1–Healthy Portions for our Nutrition
Objective: Help participants learn how to make nutritional changes by adequately using portion sizes, making use of food labels, and gaining a better understanding of the nutritional guidelines provided by Choose My Plate in order to have a healthier lifestyle.
- Community centers
- Residential homes
- Churches
Recruitment techniques:
- promotoras
- community centers
- flyers
- announcements at Zumba classes
- instructor/host
- church service
- home visits
- 100 women
- 8 men
Charla #2–Understanding Dietary Fats & their Effect in having a Healthy Life
Objective: Help participants obtain an understanding of the different types of dietary fats and the effects they have on our health and provide information on the body’s utilization of dietary fats.
- Community centers
- Residential homes
- Churches
Recruitment techniques:
- promotoras
- community centers
- flyers
- announcements at Zumba classes
- instructor/host
- church service
- home visits
- phone calls
- Remind app
- text messages
- 152 women
- 16 men
Charla #3–Saving Money and Eating Healthy
Objective: Help participants learn how to plan our purchases, use nutrition labels, and safe food handling to save money and eat healthy.
- Community centers
- Residential homes
- Churches
Recruitment techniques:
- promotoras
- community centers
- flyers
- announcements at Zumba classes
- instructor/host
- church service
- home visits
- phone calls
- Remind app
- text messages
- door-to-door
- 122 women
- 15 men